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Square Peg Round Hole exhibit at HACC's Rose Lehrman Art Gallery

Meat - part of the Square Peg Round Hole Exhibit - click on image for high resolution download (easy login required)
May 12, 2010
HARRISBURG – The Rose Lehrman Art Gallery presents work by Kim Banister and Garrick Dorsett, May 31 through June 30 on the Harrisburg Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College. Collaborative pieces were created on paper by the artists who have taken turns developing the drawings.
A reception for the artists is scheduled in the gallery from noon-1:30 p.m. Thursday, June 10.
“Combining our two sensibilities was an interesting challenge,” said Banister, who also is the gallery’s curator. “It made me consider how rigid my approach to drawing is – it forced me to experiment in directions I would normally not go.”
Banister is known for her large figurative, charcoal drawings that capture a gesture or emotional quality of the human condition. She uses graceful lines and dripping color to create these evocative drawings.
Banister uses linseed oil on top of charcoal and powered pigment for her drawings. Her work has been shown at Elizabethtown College, Dickinson College, Pennsylvania College of Technology and Bloomsburg University. Her work is in many private collections, including documentary filmmaker Kersti Gruntz of Sweden, Lydia Lostan of Damascus, Syria, and Amalia Vernicos of Athens, Greece. Banister earned her master’s degree in fine art from the University of Cincinnati.
In contrast, Dorsett, trained as a photographer, is known for his irreverent line drawings that are related to graffiti and automatic writing.
A lifelong interest in graffiti art has inspired his more recent work with an emphasis on the medium’s context and impermanent nature. He has started to collaborate with the multi-media group ColorMake from the Central Pennsylvania area. Dorsett teaches photography at HACC.
Dorsett has exhibited his work in various venues including the Genus Loci Gallery in Cape May, the Philadelphia Art Museum, One Pixel Gallery, the Sandy Webster Gallery in Philadelphia, and Exit Art in New York City.  His work has been published in magazines and books such as Thrasher Magazine, the International Book of Photography and the Korean publication Photo Monthly. Dorsett has a bachelor’s degree in fine art from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.
Summer gallery hours are 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Thursday, or by appointment. For more information, call 780-2435 or e-mail Kim Banister, gallery curator. Visit the gallery on the HACC website: under the Rose Lehrman Arts Center and on Facebook.
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