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Find out about careers in criminal justice at HACC-Gettysburg Campus

Free event Feb. 10 gives bird’s eye view of opportunities available
Jan. 3, 2012
GETTYSBURG – Discover the many opportunities for a career in criminal justice at Criminal Justice Discovery Day from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, at HACC-Gettysburg Campus.
Anyone interested in the field is invited to attend to find out how HACC’s transfer associate degree can be a stepping stone to careers in law enforcement, correctional rehabilitation, juvenile and adult probation and parole, private security and investigations, forensic science, military police, and criminology.
Criminal justice graduates typically transfer to a four-year school to complete a bachelor’s degree.
 “High school students are particularly invited to Criminal Justice Discovery Day, but the invitation is extended to all interested in learning about in-demand careers from professionals in the field,” said Heather Watt, campus coordinator of admissions recruitment. “College staff and faculty will be on hand to answer questions and professionals will give working demonstrations. It will be an exciting day.”
Those who attend also will find out about the local and regional outlook for careers in criminal justice, hear from HACC students about their student experiences, and find out how to get started at HACC.
In addition, information will be provided on financial aid and HACC’s easy enrollment process.
To register for this free event, go to
For more information, contact the Admissions Office at 717-337-3855.
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