HACC Foundation Sponsorship Opportunities
Our sponsorship opportunities give you more options to fit your needs.
The top five reasons to sponsor an event at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College:
- You gain exposure to more than 100,000 HACC students, employees and alumni.
- You promote your organization and increase your brand recognition.
- You promote your organization’s commitment to education.
- You maximize and stretch your marketing dollars.
- You change the lives of HACC students – YOUR future employees.
Please consider becoming a sponsor for one or more of our available opportunities and select the benefit level that fits your organization. Your support changes the lives of HACC students while marketing your organization, products and services to new target audiences.
Check out our new benefit level! The Inaugurate benefit level is included in all sponsorship levels for a Commencement ceremony and includes a small engraved brick paver and a HACC Yeah! T-shirt. What a great way to honor your graduate or have a legacy spot on campus to remember your experiences at HACC!
Brick pavers are in limited supply. HURRY NOW!
Please contact us at sponsorships@hacc.edu with any questions. Thank you!
Names of Events |
Descriptions of Events |
Types of Events |
Dates of Events | Estimated Numbers of Attendees | Sponsorship Benefits |
Secure Your Sponsorship |
Payments and Print Deadlines |
Adopt-A-Program |
This program allows a sponsor to “adopt” or support a specific academic or workforce development program. (Please note: The list of programs is located at https://www.hacc.edu/ProgramsandCourses/All-HACC-programs.cfm). |
Virtual | Ongoing | Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to the program sponsorship. | Sponsorship Benefits | Sponsorship Commitment Form | Ongoing |
Fall 2024 Commencement Ceremony | This ceremony is the pinnacle event for HACC. During this ceremony, we celebrate students who successfully complete their education and obtain their degree, certificate or diploma. | In-person and virtual event | Dec. 10, 2024 |
Sponsorship Benefits | Sponsorship Commitment Form | Oct. 1, 2024 |
HACC’s Registration Rally | This is a collegewide event for HACC employees to engage with our continuing students for the purpose of assisting them to (1) re-enroll for the next semester’s classes during priority or early registration, (2) shift the culture to our continuing students registering early and (3) impact the culture of student belonging with food, music and fun. | In-person and virtual event | April 9, 2025 |
The last registration rally (April 3, 2024) had 884 students check in collegewide. The anticipated number of attendees is over 1,000 students and employees collegewide. |
Sponsorship benefits | Sponsorship Commitment Form | Dec. 13, 2024 |
Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony | This ceremony is the pinnacle event for HACC. During this ceremony, we celebrate students who successfully complete their education and obtain their degree, certificate or diploma. | In-person and virtual event | May 6, 2025 |
Sponsorship Benefits | Sponsorship Commitment Form | March 1, 2025 |
Level Up (new student experience) | This is a three-hour session, occurring multiple times per week during open registration periods. The goal is onboarding newly admitted students by combining New Student Orientation, New Student Academic Advising and Registration, and Career Development and Transfer Services sessions. | In-person and virtual event | Ongoing throughout March-August 2024 and November 2024 -January 2025 | The estimated number of people who will be exposed to this event for March-August is about 4,800. For November-January, it is about 2,200 people. | Sponsorship benefits | Sponsorship Commitment Form | Ongoing |
Athletic Team Games: Esports, Men's and Women's Basketball, Men's and Women's Cross Country, Men's and Women's Soccer and Women's Volleyball. For more information, please visit https://hacchawks.com/landing/index. |
At HACC, we support the full college experience for our students. Student athletes become well-rounded scholars and develop important skills like time management, team building and leadership. Student-athletes also learn to work as a part of a team, which empowers collective goal setting and achievement. | In-person and virtual event for Esports | Ongoing | The estimated number of people who will be exposed to these events is about 200, depending on the sport. | Sponsorship benefits | Sponsorship Commitment Form | Ongoing |
Weekly Collegewide Zoom Sessions | During these weekly meetings, the College president and others update HACC employees on a variety of topics. | Virtual | Thursdays | Approximately 1,800 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. | Sponsorship Benefits | Sponsorship Commitment Form | |
HACC Crowdfunding Campaign: #HACCtrainsHeroes |
HACC crowdfunding campaign to provide State-of-the art training for Pennsylvania's heroes (additional information is available online)
Virtual |
Ongoing |
Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. |
Sponsorship Commitment Form |
Ongoing |
HACC Crowdfunding Campaign: #BreakingBarriersHACC |
HACC crowdfunding campaign to provide a bridge to a better life through English-language skills (additional information is available online) |
Virtual |
Ongoing |
Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. |
Sponsorship Commitment Form |
Ongoing |
HACC Crowdfunding Campaign: #HACC4EndingPovertyHBG |
HACC crowdfunding campaign to break the cycle of poverty in the City of Harrisburg (additional information is available online) |
Virtual |
Ongoing |
Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. |
Sponsorship Commitment Form |
Ongoing |
HACC Crowdfunding Campaign: #HACC4EndingPovertyLANC |
HACC crowdfunding campaign to break the cycle of poverty in Lancaster City (additional information is available online) |
Virtual |
Ongoing |
Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. |
Sponsorship Commitment Form |
Ongoing |
HACC Crowdfunding Campaign: #HACCFirstResponderClub |
HACC crowdfunding campaign to support early recruiting to the field of public safety through a Junior First Responder Club (additional information is available online) |
Virtual |
Ongoing |
Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. |
Sponsorship Commitment Form |
Ongoing |
HACC Crowdfunding Campaign: #NewBeginningsHACC |
HACC crowdfunding campaign to support community members preparing for life after incarceration by providing education and skills to obtain employment (additional information is available online) |
Virtual |
Ongoing |
Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. |
Sponsorship Commitment Form |
Ongoing |
HACC Crowdfunding Campaign: #SurvivalCampHACC |
HACC crowdfunding campaign to provide a wilderness survival camp for underserved youth in our communities (additional information is available online) |
Virtual |
Ongoing |
Approximately 100,000 people will be exposed to this event and information about the event. |
Sponsorship Commitment Form |
Ongoing |