Aug. 22, 2007
Now that the busy summer vacation season is winding down, it is a good time to take advantage of the educational enrichment opportunities available through HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College. The college's York Center is offering two noncredit courses at its 2010 Pennsylvania Avenue location.

  • "Conversational Spanish I" will be offered from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Sept. 5-Oct. 24. Steven Berwager is the instructor. The cost is $125.
  • Learn to create beautiful art glass jewelry in "Fused Art Glass Jewelry." This three-session class will have you cutting specialty fusing and dichroic glass pieces, which are fired in a kiln. Students will learn to turn their work into pins, pendants or earrings with wirewrap. The class will be offered from 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 25-Oct. 9. The cost of the course is $50 and includes the use of tools. Students will need to purchase glass and wire and pay a nominal firing fee.

To register for either of these classes, call 338-1010 or click on the Website below.

HACC's Noncredit Shopping Cart makes it easier than ever to find and register for classes online. Simply find the course, add it to your shopping cart and then "check out" to enroll in the course. Users receive an e-mail confirming enrollment.

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